
赵栋,男,医学博士,主任医师,副教授,博士生导师,现任上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院妇产科行政主任,曾任上海市第一妇婴保健院宫颈科主任。现为中国医师协会妇产科医师分会子宫内膜异位症专业委员会委员,上海市医学会妇科肿瘤分会委员,上海市医学会妇产科学会青年委员,上海市性医学会常务委员。2000年毕业于协和医科大学获医学博士学位。长期从事妇科常见病和疑难病症的妇产科临床、教学和科研工作。全面掌握妇产科的理论与手术技能,尤其在宫颈疾病、子宫内膜异位症、生殖妇科、微创手术等方面均有较深的研究。先后发表SCI收录论文20篇;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项及省部级课题数项。教学:长期承担同济大学医学院留学生妇科学的全英文授课任务长期作为讲师迎接上海市/国家的教学查房检查(妇科)大会发言:2001年 美国生殖医学年会(佛罗里达州奥兰多)2002年 第八届国际子宫内膜异位症大会(加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥)2008年 第37届美国妇科腔镜医师年会(内华达州拉斯维加斯)大会主持:2014年美国妇科腔镜年会腹腔镜分会场(温哥华,加拿大)2014年美国妇科腔镜年会腹腔镜分会场(拉斯维加斯,美国)发表文章:(*为第一作者,#为通讯作者)1.Peng HY*, Lei ST, Hou SH, Weng LC, Yuan Q, Li MQ, Zhao D#. PrPC Promotes Endometriosis Progression by Reprogramming Cholesterol Metabolism and Estrogen Biosynthesis of Endometrial Stromal Cells through PPARα Pathway. Int J Biol Sci 2022; 18(4):1755-1772?2.Sha-Ting Lei*,?Ming-Qing Li,?Yan-Ling Cao?,?Shu-Hui Hou,?Hai-Yan Peng,?Dong Zhao#,?Jing Sun#. Follistatin-like I promotes endometriosis by increasing proinflammatory factors and promoting angiogenesis. Reproduction 2021 Dec 30;163(1):57-683.Di Zhang*,?Yikong Lin*,?Yunyun Li?,?Dong Zhao#?,?Meirong Du#. Mesenchymal stem cells enhance Treg immunosuppressive function at the fetal-maternal interface J Reprod Immunol 2021 Nov;148 10333664.Li-chun Weng *,Shu-hui Hou *, Sha-ting Lei, Hai-yan Peng, Ming-qing Li#, Dong Zhao#. Estrogen-regulated CD200 inhibits macrophage phagocytosis in endometriosis. J Reprod Immunol 2020 Apr;138 1030905.Ruan Zhengyi*, Zhao Dong#. Long intergenic noncoding RNA LINC00284 knockdown reduces angiogenesis in ovarian cancer cells via up-regulation of MEST through NF-κB1. FASEB J. 2019 Nov;33(11):12047-12059 6.Ting Jiang*, Qing Yuan*, Qin Zhou, Yiping Zhu, Siji Lv, Yanling Cao, Qin Wang, Kunming Li#, Dong Zhao#. Do endometrial lesions require removal? A retrospective study. BMC Women’s Health 2019 May;19:61 7.Shating Lei*, Yanling Cao*, Jing Sun, Mingqing Li, Dong Zhao#. H2S promotes proliferation of endometrial stromal cells via activating the NF-κB pathway in endometriosis. Am J Transl Res 2018;10(12):4247-42578.Yang L*, Song LG, Wang YH, Zhao D#. Influence of vitamin D level in the second trimester of pregnancy on the complications of chinese pregnant women and fetuses. Reprod Dev Med 2017 Jun;1:77-9.9.Holdsworth-Carson SJ*,?Zhao D*,?Cann L,?Bittinger S,?Nowell CJ,?Rogers P#. Differences in the cellular composition of small versus large uterine fibroids. Reproduction.?2016 Nov;152(5):467-80 IF3.110.Zhang Y*,?Zhao D*, Gong C, Zhang F, He J, Zhang W, Zhao Y#, Sun J#,Prognostic role of hormone receptors in?endometrial cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. World J Surg Oncol. 2015 Jun 25;13(1):208. IF 1.611.Huang SY*, Xin H*, Sun J, Li R, Zhang XM#, Zhao D#. Estrogen receptor β agonist diarylpropionitrile inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) production in macrophages by repressing nuclear factor κB activation. Fertil Steril. 2013Jul;100(1):234-40 IF 4.37312.Zhao D*, Rogers PA. Is fibroid heterogeneity a significant issue for clinicians and researchers? Reprod Biomed Online.2013 Jul;27(1) 64-74 IF 3.24913.Zhao D*,Zhang F*,Zhang W,He J,Zhao Y#,Sun J#. Prognostic role of hormone receptors in ovarian cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2013 Jan;23(1):25-33 IF 2.36914.Zhao D*, Pritts EA, Chao VA, Savouret JF, Taylor RN#. Dioxin stimulates RANTES expression in an in-vitro model of endometriosis. Mol Hum Reprod 2002 8(9):849-854 IF 3.58515.Zhao D*, Lebovic DI, Taylor RN#. Long term progestin treatment inhibits RANTES gene expression. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002 87(6):2514-2519 IF 5.45516.Su T,?Qu JJ,?Wang K,?Li BL,?Zhao D,?Zhu YP,?Ye L,?Lu W,?Wan XP. Cross-talk between p21-activated kinase 4 and ERα signaling triggers endometrial cancer cell proliferation Oncotarget.?2017 Jul 12;8(40):68083-68094.17.Sun J*,?Zhang MR,?Zhang LQ, Zhao D,?Li SG,?Chen B# Phthalate monoesters in association with uterine leiomyomata in Shanghai. Int J Environ Health Res.?2016 Jun;26(3):306-16 IF 1.48518.Sun J*,Wang S,Zhao D,Hun FH,Weng L,Liu H#. Cytotoxicity, permeability, and inflammation of metal oxide nanoparticles in human cardiac microvascular endothelial cells: cytotoxicity, permeability, and inflammation of metal oxide nanoparticles. Cell Biol Toxicol. 2011 Oct;27(5):333-42. IF2.33319.Pritts EA*, Zhao D, Sohn SH, Chao VA, Waite LL, Taylor RN#. 2003. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand inhibition of RANTES production by human endometriotic stromal cells is mediated through an upstream promoter element. Fertil Steril. 80(2):415-420 IF 4.37320.Pritts EA*, Zhao D, Waite L, Taylor RN#. 2002 PPAR γ ligands decrease RANTES transcription and translation in vitro. J Clin Endocrinol Metab87(4):1841-1844 IF 5.45521.孙静;高强;顾磊;赵栋;张励倩;陈波;厉曙光 子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿病理组织中PAEs含量的测定与分析 《现代妇产科进展》2013年04期 297-301 22.高月清,赵栋 医源性寄生性肌瘤2例报道并文献复习 现代妇产科进展 2012年第8期 48-5023.朱一萍,赵栋,吴悦茜,孙静宫腔镜下子宫纵隔切除术后妊娠的分析 同济大学学报(医学版)2012年第2期24.赵栋,翁雷,黄诗颖,孙静 特异性雌激素受体β激动剂抑制子宫内膜基质细胞增殖 诊断学理论与实践2010年10月9(5)507-50825.赵栋,袁卿,孙静 重度宫腔黏连手术治疗后妊娠情况分析 中国临床医学2010年6月;17(3)35-3626.黄诗颖,杨晓宇,赵栋,张雪梅 雌激素受体β与子宫内膜异位症关系的研究进展;中国临床医学2010年4月 17(2)300-30227.赵栋,黄诗颖,翁雷,孙静 雌激素受体?在子宫内膜中的表达 中国临床医学2010年2月;17(1)104-10528.孙静,赵栋 盆腔脓肿的诊断与治疗 医学与哲学 2009年第8期12-14 29.夏琼,赵栋,黄利红 PPAR-γ激动剂抑制子宫内膜基质细胞RANTES转录和翻译 2007年06期30.冷金花,郎景和,赵栋,刘东远 子宫内膜异位症患者血清可溶性细胞间粘附分子-1水平 的检测2002年03期