钟碧慧,女,主任医师,教授,感染科主任、消化内科副主任、消化内科主任(东院),医学博士,博士生导师,美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)医学院胃肠肝病科博士后。从事医教研工作30多年,具有丰富的临床经验,擅长食道、胃肠道及肝胆胰疾病的诊断与治疗,尤其是肝脏疾病的诊治,包括脂肪性肝病、病毒性肝病、自身免疫性肝病、肝硬化等。参与制定“中国脂肪性肝病诊疗规范化专家建议”、“乙型肝炎相关肝硬化的临床诊断、评估和抗病毒治疗的综合管理”、“中国脂肪肝防治指南”等。学习经历:1984年医疗本科毕业后相继在中山大学附属第一医院消化内科获医学硕士和医学博士学位,曾在著名学府美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)医学院胃肠肝病科完成博士后研究,主攻肝脏及胰腺疾病。研究方向:1、脂肪性肝病2、病毒性肝病(乙肝、丙肝等)3、胰腺疾病科研基金:主持多项国家级、省级科研项目研究学会任职:1、中华医学会消化病学分会肝胆组委员 2、中华医学会老年医学分会消化疾病学组委员 3、广东省医学会肝脏病学分会副主任委员4、广东省肝病学会肝硬化专业委员会副主任委员5、广东省健康管理学会食品安全与营养专业委员会副主任委员6、广东省医学会感染病学分会常委7、广东省医师协会感染医师分会常委8、广东省健康管理学会代谢与内分泌专业委员会常委9、广东省医学会脂肪肝专业委员会委员10、广东省医学会消化病学分会胰腺学组委员11、广东省医师协会消化医师分会委员发表研究论著:已发表研究论著多篇,2009年以第一作者兼通讯作者在著名杂志Hepatology发表论著。近5年代表作如下:1、Yao JY, Chao K, Li MR, Wu YQ, Zhong BH(通讯作者). Interleukin-21 gene polymorphisms and chronic hepatitis B infection in a Chinese population. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Apr 14;21(14):4232-9. 2、Li M, Zhang S, Wu Y, Ye J, Cao X, Liu J, Sun Y, Zhong B(通讯作者). Prevalence of Insulin Resistance in Subjects with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Its Predictors in a Chinese Population. Dig Dis Sci. 2015 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print] 3、Li MR, Zhang SH, Chao K, Liao XH, Yao JY, Chen MH, Zhong BH(通讯作者). Apolipoprotein C3 (-455T>C) polymorphism confers susceptibility to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the Southern Han Chinese population. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Oct 14;20(38):14010-7 4、Li M, Zhang S, Gu F, Xiao W, Yao J, Chao K, Chen M, Li J, Zhong B(通讯作者).Clinicopathological characteristics and prognostic factors of primary gastrointestinal lymphoma: a 22-year experience from South China. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014 Apr 15;7(5):2718-28. 5、Zhang S, Chen S, Yang G, Gu F, Li M, Zhong B, Hu J, Hoffman A, Chen M.Long noncoding RNA HOTAIR as an independent prognostic marker in cancer: a meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 26;9(8):e105538.6、Lei P, Gu F, Hong L, Sun Y, Li M, Wang H, Zhong B, Chen M, Cui Y, Zhang S.Pediatric colonoscopy in South China: a 12-year experience in a tertiary center. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 23;9(4):e959337、Chao K, Zhang S, Yao J, He Y, Chen B, Zeng Z, Zhong B(共同通讯作者), Chen M. Imbalances of CD4(+) T-cell subgroups in Crohn's disease and their relationship with disease activity and prognosis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Oct;29(10):1808-148、Zhang S, Zhong B (并列第一作者), Chen M, Yang L, Yang G, Li Y, Wang H, Wang G, Li W, Cui J, Hoffman AR, Hu J. Epigenetic reprogramming reverses the malignant epigenotype of the MMP/TIMP axis genes in tumor cells. Int J Cancer. 2014 Apr 1;134(7):1583-949、Zhang S, Wang J, Wang J, Zhong B, Chen M, Cui Y. Transparent cap-assisted endoscopic management of foreign bodies in the upper esophagus: a randomized, controlled trial. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013 Aug;28(8):1339-4210、Liao XH, Cao X, Liu J, Xie XH, Sun YH, Zhong BH(通讯作者). Prevalence and features of fatty liver detected by physical examination in Guangzhou. World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Aug 28;19(32):5334-911、Chao K, Zhong BH, Zhang SH, Gong XR, Yao JY, Chen MH. Imbalance of CD4(+) T cell subgroups in ulcerative colitis. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2011 Jun 21;91(23):1605-8. Chinese.12、Zhang S, Zhong B (并列第一作者), Chao K, Xiao Y, Cui Y, Gao X, Chen B, He Y, Hu P, Chen M, Mitchell HM. Role of Helicobacter species in Chinese patients with inflammatory bowel disease. J Clin Microbiol. 2011 May;49(5):1987-9.13、Zhang S, Cui Y, Zhong B, Xiao W, Gong X, Chao K, Chen M. Clinicopathological characteristics and survival analysis of primary duodenal cancers: a 14-year experience in a tertiary centre in South China. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2011 Feb;26(2):219-2614、Zhang S, Cui Y, Gong X, Gu F, Chen M, Zhong B(通讯作者). Endoscopic management of foreign bodies in the upper gastrointestinal tract in South China: a retrospective study of 561 cases. Dig Dis Sci. 2010 May;55(5):1305-1215、Wang SB, Wang JH, Zheng RH, Zhong BH, Chen MH. Deep cholestatic jaundice as the predominant manifestation in autoimmune hepatitis. Hepatogastroenterology. 2010 Mar-Apr;57(98):326-9.16、Strnad P, Zhou Q, Hanada S, Lazzeroni LC, Zhong BH, So P, Davern TJ, Lee WM, Acute Liver Failure Study Group, Omary MB. Keratin variants predispose to acute liver failure and adverse outcome: race and ethnic associations. Gastroenterology. 2010 Sep;139(3):828-35