
项蕾红,女,复旦大学附属华山医院皮肤科主任医师,教授,博士生导师,复旦大学皮肤病学研究所常务副所长教育经历1986.9-1992.7 上海医科大学医学系医学专业英语班1994-1999 上海医科大学附属华山医院皮肤科临床医学博士1995.1-4 中科院上海细胞生物研究所进修1996.11 北京医科大学分子生物学实验室进修2001.1-2002.4 香港大学Queen Mary医院皮肤科博士后工作2004.7 美国普林斯顿医学美容培训基地培训 学术团体: 美国皮肤科学会(AAD)会员欧洲皮肤科学会(EADV)国际会员亚洲色素病研究会(ASPCR)委员业务专长:目前主要从事细胞培养和色素障碍性疾病的发病机制及临床治疗的研究工作。研究方向:色素障碍性皮肤病,痤疮,激光医学治疗等。参加的国际会议及发言文章:1.第23届世界皮肤科大会(World Congress of Dermatology, May 2015, Wancouver, Canana)presentation at plenary session, The advances in vitiligo2.第22届国际色素研究大会(XXII IPCC, Singapore, Sep 2014)Oral presentation: the role of RNASET2 in the pathogenesis of vitiligo3.第五届亚洲色素病会议(The ASPCR-ASDR Conference 2013, Sidney)oral presentation at plenary session. Melanocytic differentiation and age-related stemness impairment of hair follicle-derived neural crest stem cells.4.第21届国际色素研究大会(21th IPCC, Bordeaux, France Sept, 2011)Chair the stress responses of melanocytes session.5.Imcas Asia 2011 (Singapore July 2011) Chair the hyperpigmentation session, and oral presentation.6.5th AOCP (Nara, Japan Aug 2011) oral presentation: PDT in the treatment of skin photoaging7.22th World Congress of Dermatology (Seoul, Korea May 2011) Chair and co-chair four session.8.第四届亚洲色素研究大会 (ASPCR, Guangzhou, China June 2010)大会秘书长,Oral presentation: TLR expression and role on melanocytes.9.第三届亚洲色素研究大会(ASPCR asian society of pigment cell resesrch)(Seoul, Korea June, 2009) Oral presentation: The updated treatment of vitiligo in China.10.第十届国际皮肤科大会(10th ICD International congress of dermatology)(Prague, Czech May, 2009) Best Poster:The Randomized Control Study of PDT with 5% 5-ALA in the Treatment of Acne11.Photoaging Research Symposium (IID 2008 Satellite Symposium) & 9th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Photoaging Research Society) (Kyoto, Japan. May,2008)Oral presentation:Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of photoaging12.第二届国际痤疮会议 (Rome, Italy. Sep,2008)Oral presentation: The nonpharmaceutical therapy in the treatment of acne13.IMCAS (International Master Course on Aging Skin) 2008 (Singapore, July 2008)Oral presentation: The Randomized control study of photodynamic therapy with 5% 5-aminolevulinic acid in the treatment of acne14.第八届亚洲皮肤科大会 (Seoul, Korea. Oct 2008)Oral presentation: The laser therapy in the treatment of acne vulgaris15.第16届欧洲皮肤科年会(EADV 2007)(Vienna, Austria. May 2007)Oral presentation: the treatment of melasma in China16.第15届欧洲皮肤科年会(EADV 2006)(Athens,Greece. Oct 2006)Oral presentation: the treatment of vitiligo in China17.美国第63届皮肤科年会 (New Orleans, USA. Feb, 2005)Poster: the comparison of different therapies in the treatment of vitiligo in China18.第IX 国际皮肤科大会 (Beijing, China. May, 2004)oral presentation: The MEL 308nm in the treatment of vitiligo.19.第3rd 国际皮肤美容学大会( Beijing, China. Dec, 2003)Oral presentation: The treatment of vitiligo in China20.第七届中日皮肤科大会 (Guangzhou, China. Dec, 2002)Oral presentation: The effect of pulse dye laser on the expression of p16INK4a on human normal fibroblasts.21.美国医学激光ASLAM 年会(Atlanta, USA. Apr, 2002)oral presentation: An vitro study examining the effect of sub-lethal QS Alex 755nm lasers on the expression of p16INK4a on melanoma cell lines22.第 届世界皮肤科大会(Paris, France. July,2002)post: The experimental study of melanocytes allograft in the treatment of vitiligo23.Annual Meeting of EADV 2001, Munch, Germany24.第六届中日皮肤科大会 (Xi’an, China. Sep 2000)oral presentation: The pilot study of cultured melanocytes allograft in the treatment of vitiligo.25.第2nd 届中韩皮肤科会议(Shanghai, China. May 1999)oral presentation :The mixed melanocyte lymphocyte reaction: an in vitro model for melanocyte allografts.26.第5th 亚洲皮肤科大会(Beijing, China. 1998)oral presentation: Effects of UVA radiation on proliferation of normal human melanocytes.国际学术交流及演讲1.日本名古屋市立大学皮肤科学术访问(2011.8)演讲:毛囊神经嵴干细胞的培养和黑素细胞定向分化 The isolation and culture of HF NCSC, and oriented differentiation to MC2.德国慕尼黑Ludwig Maximallian大学皮肤科访问(Dr.Markus BranFalco),德国慕尼黑Technology大学皮肤科学术交流(Prof.Jonnaths Ring, and Prof.Wenchieh Chen)临床病例讨论3.日本北海道大学皮肤科学术访问(2009.7)演讲:The treatment of vitiligo in China (invited by Dr.Hiroshi Shimizu)4.美国纽约州立大学(SUNY)皮肤科学术访问 (2007.2)演讲:Interesting/challenging clinical cases from Shanghai(invited by Dr. Allen Shalita)5.美国波士顿大学皮肤科学术访问 (2005.6)演讲:Epidermal graft & Melanocytes transplantation in the treatment of vitiligo (invited by Dr. Barbara Gilchrest)6.美国Cleveland大学医院皮肤科学术访问 (2005.6)演讲: The clinical study of excimer light in the treatment of vitiligo(invited by Dr. Kevin Cooper)7.美国University of Pennsylvania皮肤科学术访问 (2005.5)演讲:Comparison of different therapies for different types of vitiligo(invited by Dr. William James)8.美国Mayo Clinic皮肤科学术访问 (2005.2)演讲: The advanced treatment of vitiligo in China9.新加坡国立皮肤中心学术访问 (2004.9)演讲: the epidermiology of infectious skin diseases in China10.美国康乃尔大学New York Presbyterian 医院皮肤科学术访问 (2004.7)演讲: The pathogenesis of vitiligo11.意大利罗马S.Gallicano皮肤病研究所学术访问(2004.3)演讲: The pilot clinical study of monochromatic excimer light in the treatment of vitiligo in China12.美国西北大学皮肤科学术访问 (2004.2)演讲: The research projects ongoing in Hua Shan Dermaotlogy13.法国巴黎Saint Louis Hospital皮肤科学术访问(2003.10)14.日本东京女子大学医学激光与整形科学术访问(2003.9)演讲: The different kinds of laser effect on melanocytes biological characteristics15.英国伦敦HammerSmith医院皮肤科学术访问(2002.7)演讲: The QS Alex 755nm laser effect on the expression of p16 on melanoma cell lines. Etc.