
男,江苏淮阴人。复旦大学医学博士,内科学主治医师,风湿病学副主任医师。本科毕业于贵阳医学院(现贵州医科大学)临床医学学士、硕士毕业于江西中医药大学中医学、博士毕业于复旦大学内科学(风湿病学)师从管剑龙教授、于南方医科大学中西医结合医院博士后,导师肖长虹教授。目前就职于深圳市人民医院风湿免疫科。参与国家级,省级自然科技研究8项,先后在国内外医学核心期刊发表医学论文58余篇,其中SCI论文9篇,被引用120余次。硕士、博士研究生国家奖学金获得者;复旦大学光华奖学金获得者。休斯顿.美国2014年整合医学学术研讨会优秀讲者。主张整合医学,用西医现代科学技术研究中医基础理论,发现高血压、心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、胃肠道溃疡、癌症等在发病机制上有着共同的信号传导通路,多种老年性疾病的发病与名医朱丹溪“人体阴常不足,阳常有余”有着密切联系。从而提出多种老年性疾病的发病现代医学机制与阴常不足,阳常有余的紧密结合,挖掘朱丹溪宝贵治疗经验。致力于整合医学处理内科学疾病。整合医学是一门新兴学科:不仅运用现代医学疗法,还结合各种疗法综合有机运用;不仅注重疾病的治疗,也注重全身的康复;注重医患关系的维护。“尽我所学,贡献微薄之力,促进您早日康复。” 擅长:免疫风湿科疾病,类风湿性关节炎,老年性关节炎,干燥综合征,系统性红斑狼疮,强直性脊柱炎,白塞病,癌症康复、银屑病、消化系统溃疡等,主张Make incurable diseases curable(将不能治愈的疾病治愈)。获得病人广泛好评。Male, Born in Jiangsu Huaiyin. Doctor of Medicine, Fudan University, Internal Medicine Physician. Now he is a postdoctoral fellow at the Integrative Medicine Hospital of Southern Medical University.Bachelor degree in Clinical Medicine from Guiyang Medical College (now Guizhou Medical University), graduated from Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Ph.D. in Fudan University, Department of Internal Medicine (Rheumatology), Professor Guan Jianlong, working in Southern Medicine Postdoctoral fellow of the University of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.Participated in 8 national and provincial natural science and technology researches, and published more than 58 medical papers in medical core journals at home and abroad, including 9 SCI papers, which were cited more than 120 times. Master's and doctoral students' national scholarship winners; Fudan University Guanghua Scholarship winners. Excellent speaker at the 2014 American Integrative Medicine Symposium in Houston. Advocating integrated medicine, using Western medicine modern science and technology to study the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, found that hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, gastrointestinal ulcers, cancer, etc. have a common signaling pathway in the pathogenesis, the incidence of various senile diseases With the famous doctor Zhu Danxi, "the human body is often inadequate, and the yang is always more than enough". Therefore, the modern medical mechanism of the onset of various senile diseases is not enough, and the yang often has more close integration, and the valuable treatment experience of Zhu Danxi is explored.Committed to integrating medical treatment of internal medicine diseases. Integrated medicine is a new subject: not only the use of modern medical therapy, but also the comprehensive use of various therapies; not only the treatment of disease, but also the rehabilitation of the whole body; pay attention to the maintenance of the relationship between doctors and patients. "Do my best, contribute to the meager strength, and promote your early recovery." Good at: immune rheumatology, rheumatoid arthritis, senile arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, white Plug disease, cancer rehabilitation, psoriasis, digestive system ulcers, etc., advocate Make incurable diseases curable (to cure a disease that cannot be cured). Received wide acclaim from patients.