彭劼,男,主任医师,教授,医学博士,博士生导师,博士后合作导师。南方医院感染内科及肝病中心副主任,疑难感染中心主任。中华医学会感染病学分会常委,广东省医学会感染病学会前任主任委员、广东省肝病学会常务理事。1989年毕业于第一军医大学,从事肝病的临床、教学、科研工作30余年,熟悉急慢性病毒性肝炎和脂肪肝及肝硬化的诊治,熟悉发热、结核、艾滋病等感染性疾病诊治疗。发表科研论文100余篇,曾获军队医疗成果二等奖3项,广东省科技进步一等奖2项。曾获广东省“五四”青年奖,荣立军队三等功一次。Brief Introduction of PENGJIEPENGJIE is a chief physician, professor and Doctor Degree of Medicine. He is the chairman of Society of Infectious Diseases,Guangdong Medical Association,also the member of Society of Infectious Diseases, Chinese Medical Association, the member of the council of Guangdong Association of Hepatology,the member of experts bank of technical appraisal for the medical negligence of Guangdong Medical Association. PENGJIE graduated in the First Military Medical University in 1989, then worked at liver diseases on clinic, teaching, and scientific research constantly in Nanfang hospital. He has solid foundation on clinic. He is proficient on diagnosis and treatment for the acute and chronic viral hepatitis, fatty liver diseases and cirrhosis, and is expert in liver histopathology and in making individual strategy on antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis B and C. He has abundant experiences on diagnosis and treatment for the critical illness such as decompensated cirrhosis and liver function failure, has also plentiful experiences on diagnosis for long-term fever of undetermined origin.PENGJIE took part in many basic researches funded by Central Government, Military Organization on medical science. He has published more than 100 scientific research papers, gained 2 first-grade prizes of Guangdong Scientific and Technological Advances Awards, 1 second-grade prizes of Chinese Medical Advances Awards, 3 second-grade prizes of Military Medical Advances Awards. He has also honorably gained “Five-Four” Young Prize authorized by Guangdong provincial governments and won 1 third-grade Military Merit.Clinic service:Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon weeklyConnection:Email: pjie138@163.comNetwork station: www.drpengjie.