牛学刚,男,医学博士,神经外科专业,2009年加入中国共产党。专业从事脑肿瘤,脑创伤,脑血管(脑出血,脑梗死等),脑功能等疾病,特别对于脑胶质瘤,脑出血,三叉神经痛,面肌痉挛等疾病的诊治具有先进经验。先后在国内外医学专刊上发表多篇学术论文及多项外科学领域发明专利,其中在国际著名医学杂志《 Theranostics》、《frontier in oncology》、《Brain Behav》、《World neurosurgery》、《Neural Regeneration Research》、《Journal of Neuroscience Methods》、《Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy》等医学专刊上发表《 Implantation of regenerative complexes in traumatic brain injury canine models enhances the reconstruction of neural networks and motor function recovery》《A Five-lncRNAs Signature-Derived Risk Score Based on TCGA and CGGA for Glioblastoma: Potential Prospects for Treatment Evaluation and Prognostic Prediction[》《Neurological functional evaluation based on accurate motions in big animals with traumatic brain injury》、《Establishment of a precise novel brain trauma model in a large animal based on injury of the cerebral motor cortex》、《Exendin-4 promotes actin cytoskeleton rearrangement and protects cells from Nogo-A-Δ20 mediated spreading inhibition and growth cone collapse by down-regulating RhoA expression and activation via the PI3K pathway》、《Neural regenerative effects of 3-D bioprinting collagen/silk fibroin scaffold combined with neural stem cell on after transected spinal cord injury》、《Successful treatment by microvascular decompression surgery of a patient with hemiparesis due to vertebral artery compression of the medulla oblongata: A case report and literature review》等学术论著,以及在《中华神经外科杂志》、《中华高血压杂志》、《中华创伤杂志》、《天津医药》等国内顶级杂志发表多篇医学论文。