贾文清,男,41岁,医学博士首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院主任医师美国神经外科学会 发展中国家会员教育背景1991-1996 首都医科大学临床医学专业2002-2003 首都医科大学外科学研究生2005-2008 首都医科大学外科学博士2002.9-2002.12 美国Mayo Clinic 访问医生工作经历1996-2004 北京天坛医院住院医师2004-2008 北京天坛医院主治医师2008-2013 北京天坛医院副主任医师2013-今 北京天坛医院主任医师曾担任幕上组及脑外伤组的执行主治医师。擅长脑血管疾病,幕上肿瘤,颅脑外伤,脊髓疾病的诊断及治疗。论文论著第一作者SCI论文2篇第一作者核心期刊发表论文10篇NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW的国外审稿人。卫生部恶性肿瘤系列丛书淋巴瘤分册副主编。参与“微创神经外科学”的编写。硕士论文“影响颅脑损伤预后的相关因素探讨”,在脑外伤的治疗方面有自己的见解。博士论文“炎性细胞黏附因子VCAM, E-选择蛋白,MCP-1以及NOS在颅内囊性动脉瘤壁的表达”,研究炎性反应在脑动脉瘤形成中的作用机制。英语水平英文口语听力突出,曾多次担任现场口译工作。2008年9月美国波士顿WFNS大会英文宣讲题目为“额外侧入路切除鞍结节脑膜瘤”。ResumeJia Wenqing MD Male, 41yearsDepartment of neurologic surgeryCapital medical university affiliated Beijing Tiantan hospital professorAANS member (developing country)Educational background1991-1996 Capital medical university bachelor degree2002-2003 Capital medical university master degree2005-2008 Capital medical university doctor degree2002.9-2002.12 Mayo Clinic Visiting clinicianBusiness background1996-2004 Beijing tainting hospital residents2004-2008 Beijing Tiantan hospital attending 2008- 2013 Beijing Tiantan hospital associate professor2013- Beijing Tiantan hospital professorGood at the operation of the brain tumor, trauma and spinal cord tumor. I was the chief attending of the neurotrauma and brain tumor ward.Articles:Eight papers as the first author in Chinese data source journals 1 The use of percutaneous tracheostomy in neurosurgery, Beijing medical journal, 2002.24(3): 181-182.2 Intracranial meningiomas in children: review of 33 cases, Chinese journal of neurosurgery 2008.24(6):425-427.3 The expression of the NOS in the cerebral aneurysms. Hebei medical journal, 2008.30(8):1112-1113.4 Treatment of pituitary adenoma in children (report of 22 cases), Beijing medical journal, 2008.30(5): 263-266.5 The expression of the MCP-1 in the cerebral aneurysms. Chinese journal of stroke, 2009.4(11):869-872.Participate the writing of《Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery》Master's thesis “The analysis of the factors which influence the outcome of the epidural hematoma patients”. I have my own idea in the treatment of the brain trauma.Doctorial thesis “The express of inflammation adhesion factor VCAM, E-selectin, MCP-1 and NOS in the human intracranial aneurysmal walls”. My research supplied new proofs to the action of inflammatory in human aneurysm’s formation. English level:Good at the English spoken and hearing, multiple as the English simultaneous interpretation in the Chinese international congress. As the speaker attended the WFNS congress in Boston Sep. 2009, the topic is “Surgical technique of the frontolateral approach in tuberculum sellae menigiomas (31 cases reports)”.