1、妇科微创手术:腹腔镜,在妇科工作多年,工作经验丰富,手术技术娴熟 2.普通妇科:阴道炎、宫颈炎的治疗,宫颈癌的筛查,卵巢囊肿,子宫肌瘤,子宫腺肌症,功能型子宫出血,更年期综合症的治疗。 3、产后康复、产后盆底康复治疗;围产期保健,产前分娩方式的选择。4、病理产科:妊娠期高血压、妊娠期糖尿病、妊娠合并甲亢或甲低的治疗,多胎妊娠; 前置胎盘出血、胎盘早剥、急产、头位难产、瘢痕子宫孕足月分娩方式的指导等产科急危重症。Dr. gong is the leader of Gestational diabetes mellitus subject engaged in gynecology and obstetrics, work more than 9 years, has rich clinical experience ,be good at rescue for all sorts of urgent danger weigh disease,especially in Gestational diabetes mellitus and Minimally invasive gynecological operation.
宮喜双,产二科副主任,2013年11月16日经过竞争,当选为安阳市妇幼保健院第一届学术带头人,学术方向为:妊娠期糖尿病,在临床一线工作9年,积累了丰富的临床经验,手术技术娴熟,理论基础扎实,曾经在本院的医教专刊任妇产科的副主编,因为工作缘故,12月1日刚刚卸任,得到了院领导的好评,我的从医理念:严谨、严、谨、再严、再谨,责任重大,担负着性命、健康和多个家庭的幸福,从严从谨行医。Dr. gong is the leader of Gestational diabetes mellitus subject .He engaged in gynecology and obstetrics, work more than 9 years, has rich clinical experience ,be good at rescue for all sorts of urgent danger weigh disease,especially in Gestational diabetes mellitus and Minimally invasive gynecological operation.